
The need to form a new political philosophy is associated with modern challenges and threats that require large-scale ordering of the world of chaos and absurdity, an adequate response to the era of "post-truth" in order to preserve the national identity of peoples, cultures, civilizations, as well as the essential features of the person himself. The instability of international relations caused by the collapse of the bipolar world has given rise to the need to create a more stable polycentric world. Countering terrorism led to the formation of anti-terrorist coalitions at the international level and for a certain time brought the world community together in the fight against a common threat. However, no one expected that the new type of war would become another test for the development of a common strategy of counteraction by mankind, requiring a rethinking of the role of man in modern political processes. Schmitt's "friend-foe" confrontation may acquire a different content in the 21st century, when man himself becomes his own enemy, since the products of his military-political and scientific activities endanger the life of all mankind. Russia's response to new political threats can be the development of a new value role of man in the emerging world order, which is possible on condition of world recognition of the civilizational originality of the Russian historical path, building a dialogue of civilizations, as well as the implementation of three ideologies in the new political dimension - patriotism, socialism, environmentalism.


  • This paper is being written during the withdrawal from the air of N

  • New types of threats have actualized the long-known truth - the cause of all wars is man himself [1]. Until such a "wonderful" world has come, we will try to build a strategy for preserving the civilizational community of Russia and, mankind in general, one of the conditions of which is the preservation of genuine historical memory, including the memory of the Great Patriotic War, of the great feat and spiritual strength of the Soviet people

  • It is no coincidence that Rastorguev notes in his article with the humorous title “Again the Russians are to blame: even the virus is the Rus...” that “... politicians suddenly began to say that everything is being done to protect the elderly and even that it was they who were most restricted in their rights

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This paper is being written during the withdrawal from the air of N. New types of threats have actualized the long-known truth - the cause of all wars is man himself [1]. Until such a "wonderful" world has come, we will try to build a strategy for preserving the civilizational community of Russia and, mankind in general, one of the conditions of which is the preservation of genuine historical memory, including the memory of the Great Patriotic War, of the great feat and spiritual strength of the Soviet people

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