
The article considers and gives the conditional periodization of the Russian-Ukrainian relations formation stages, which are characterized by the tenure of the presidents of Ukraine In this article, we consider and give a conditional periodization to the stages of the formation of Russian-Ukrainian relations, which are characterized by the tenure of the Ukrainian presidents. The actual continuity of their course towards Russia is noted. The preconditions for building relations between the two states on new principles after the collapse of the Soviet Union are indicated. The issues faced by states in the development of bilateral relations were examined: in particular, the Ukrainian leadership's vision of the country's foreign policy towards Russia and the post-Soviet space in general, namely, the desire to obtain economic benefits and preferences in trade with Russia, without any participation in integration projects and processes in the post-Soviet space supported by Russia . The problem of the Crimea and Sevastopol, the division of the Black Sea Fleet, its further status and the conditions for the stay of its Russian part on the territory of Ukraine, the gas problem, which characterized the bilateral relations throughout all periods of their existence, are also touched upon. Also, the role of external and internal factors influencing the dynamics of the development of relations, in particular, the issue of Ukraine's accession to the NATO, Ukraine's integration into the European Union and the Association Agreement with the EU, the signature of which was suspended by the Ukrainian authorities in Nov 2013, and that fact provoked the "Euromaydan" of 2013-14, and the subsequent change of power. The key documents determining the direction of development of bilateral relations, incl. the law "On the Basics of Domestic and Foreign Policy", the Military Doctrine of Ukraine are also mentioned, the prospects for the further development of Russian-Ukrainian relations at the present stage are also assessed. The author makes a conclusion that the bilateral relations in the near future are unlikely to demonstrate a dynamic towards normalization, especially taking into account the chosen course of the Ukrainian leadership to break ties with Russia in all spheres, as well as the official determining of Russia as a "military enemy" of Ukraine.

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