
On the eve of the 100th anniversary jubilee of the historic events of 1917, sociologists, political scientists, and economists offer their diagnoses of present-day Russian society. The events of recent years (the reunification of Crimea, the deterioration of the Russian Federation’s relations with Western countries, the imposition of sanctions and retaliatory countersanctions, the economic crisis, the replacement of the political leader of the United States, etc.) have not only altered the political and social context but have also produced changes in the social expectations of the country’s population. Studies in 20161 found an increase in anxious attitudes among Russians, yet the assessments of the situation in the country are nowhere near disastrous. The experts discuss not only the reasons for this phenomenon, but also the possibility that the economic crisis will develop into a political one. An attempt is made to determine the direction in which the political regime of today’s Russia will be transformed in the next few years. A forecast is made about the new challenges and threats that Russia may face in the next five to ten years. The economic and political trends that may take Russia to a new qualitative condition are analyzed. The experts arrive at the conclusion that the condition of Russian society today is stable, but the government’s lack of a strategic vision for the future may also lead to dramatic consequences.

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