
In the last decade, the geopolitical situation in the Black Sea region is changing rapidly.The Black Sea states become members of various organizations, and new pipeline projects arebeing implemented, which create a new framework for interstate relations. An active policy iscarried out by Western countries, which seek to establish themselves on the Black Sea as thedominant force. These processes occur against the background of domestic political changesin the countries of the region, which has a direct impact on bilateral relations both between theBlack Sea states and their level of cooperation with extraregional actors.Russia’s relations with a number of Black Sea states are emerging in a new way. In recent years,the nature of interstate relations with Ukraine has changed dramatically. Kiev set a coursefor the aggravation of bilateral Russian-Ukrainian relations by defiantly expanding its foreignpolicy towards the West. The Crimea’s joining Russia as well as issues related to the Crimean-Tatar population are constantly raised by the Ukrainian side. Kiev deliberately provokesaggravation of relations in the Black Sea by relying on political and informational support fromthe EU and the USA.Despite the difficult international conditions, Russia managed to build a balanced policy towardsTurkey. Energy cooperation, trade and economic cooperation and regional security issues areimportant components of the Russian policy towards Turkey. At the same time, the Russian sidemust take into account the discrepancy between the interests of the two countries in the BlackSea region, and Ankara’s desire to use relations with Kiev and other Black Sea states to promoteits long-term interests.The Russian foreign policy has achieved some success in maintaining the country’s position inthe Black Sea region. Russian interests are based on the military-political potential, as well aseconomic mechanisms. Russian policy is aimed at minimizing the negative effects of influencein the region of Western states, and expanding political and economic cooperation with the BlackSea countries. However, the Russian side has failed to achieve a radical change in the improvement of relations with Bulgaria, which is a member of the EU and NATO. There are difficulties in the political dialogue with Romania, as well. Domestic political events in those countries, and their desire to follow Western countries and plans to join NATO have a strong influence on relations with Georgia and Ukraine. Nevertheless, the positions formed by Russia allow us to count on the protection of its interests and the preservation of influence in the Black Sea region.


  • События 1989-1991 годов в странах социалистического лагеря и в СССР открыли новую страницу истории Черноморского региона, который привлек к себе повышенное внимание

  • which create a new framework for interstate relations

  • which seek to establish themselves on the Black Sea as the dominant force

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Аннотация: В последнее десятилетие геополитическая ситуация в Черноморском регионе стремительно меняется. В регионе реализуются новые трубопроводные проекты, которые создают основу для межгосударственных отношений. Киев намеренно провоцирует обострение отношений в Черном море, полагаясь на политическую и информационную поддержку со стороны стран-членов ЕС и США. Несмотря на сложные международные условия, России удалось выстроить сбалансированную политику в отношении Турции. В то же время российская сторона должна учитывать несоответствие/противоречия интересов двух стран в Черноморском регионе и стремление Анкары использовать отношения с Киевом и другими черноморскими государствами для продвижения своих долгосрочных интересов. Российская политика направленана минимизацию негативных последствий влияния в регионе западных государств и расширение политического и экономического сотрудничества с черноморскими странами. Внутриполитические события в этих странах, их стремление следовать за западными странами, а также планы по вступлению в НАТО оказывают сильное влияние на отношения с Грузией и Украиной. Позиции России позволяют рассчитывать на защиту своих интересов и сохранение влияния в Черноморском регионе

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