
The article is devoted to the problem of the correlation of language as a form of realization of the essence of a person who transforms the uncertainty of being into the ordering the world. The authors proceed from the axiomatic assumption that language is an integral activity of the human community, in the vocabulary and syntactic-semantic definiteness of which all contradictions that open up to people in their joint diverse experience of mastering the subject (presupposed) existence are removed. At the same time, human activity is the fulfillment of free transforming energy activated by an elementary (primary-fundamental) act of communication, Thanks to it, the determinism of the natural predestination of human presence in the Being is overcome, which manifests itself in the excessive effectiveness of people’s activities, opening the spiritual (supernatural) horizon of life. Literature is understood by the authors as a stylization of the national language, through which the content of national identity is determined, and, consequently, the general picture of the world created by a certain people. Literature can have two levels of implementation: artistic and theoretical ones, differing, on the one hand, in the way and degree of generalization, on the other — hand, in the form of expression. The peculiarity of the Russian self-consciousness, firstly, is on the stage of transition from the artistic to the theoretical levels; and, secondly, it is historiosophical, i. e. it not only retains the experience of the past, but also tends to the discretion of semantic perspective of the future associated with the activity of many generations of people of the Russian world. According to the authors, this circumstance is most adequately reflected in the Socialist Realism of Soviet literature.

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