
The article deals with the impact of the Russian immigration and the activities undertaken by the Russian Orthodox Church on the Argentine Republic. The aim of the article is to assess the contribution made by the Russian migrants to the formation and history of the Argentine nation. From 1881 to 1914, more than 4.2 million migrants moved to Argentina, with the Russians being the fourth largest group. By 1914, the migrants accounted for 30% of the population (3.9% were Russians); thus, Argentina was developing as a country of immigration. Today, by contrast, Argentina is becoming a country of emigration, as there is a worrying human capital outflow. Therefore, it is useful to recall and evaluate the positive potential of the Russian migration to Argentina. The methodological basis of the article comprises the induction, the logical intuitive method, the method of periodization, the historical interpretative method and the institutional approach. The article examines Argentina’s policy of attracting migrants, its reasons and the response to this policy in the form of six waves of migration from Russia to Argentina. It analyses the contribution of the representatives of the waves to the industrial and intellectual areas in Argentina, and the impact of the immigration flows on the country’s identity. It also considers the historical and contemporary influence of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Argentine religious field. It is concluded that the Russian migration contributed to the development of the Argentine rural and urban areas, culture and science, as well as reinforced Argentina’s identity as a multi-ethnic and multicultural, arrogant and self-critical country. The Russian Orthodox Church historically has been the centre of the Russian diaspora´s cultural life in Argentina, and at present it has undertaken numerous cultural and religious initiatives facilitating the intercultural dialogue.

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