
Russian Russian The subject of this study was foreign language words that penetrated into the speech of native speakers of the Mountain-Aryan language from Russian or through the Russian language. The object of the study is the oral speech of modern speakers of the Mountain-Aryan language. The purpose of the work is to determine what role Russian loanwords play in the oral modern mountain–Aryan speech. The study was conducted on the basis of dialectological materials collected in the villages of the Gornomari district of the Republic of Mari El, as well as saved recordings of the radio program "Kyryk Mary tsäsh" ("Gornomari hour") and the TV program "Kyryk Sirem" ("My Gornomari region") in the Gornomari language, using observation methods, linguistic descriptions, elements of the comparative method, techniques of continuous sampling. The scientific novelty of the study is that it is the first time that Russian borrowings in the oral speech of modern mountain Mari are considered.  The analysis of the factual material allowed the author to come to the following conclusions: in the active vocabulary of the mountain Mari people, there are words that have long been included in the Mountain Mari language, have been firmly assimilated by them and are not perceived by native speakers as foreign; there are quite a large number of words known to all native speakers and are the only name of the designated concepts; in the speech of people of the new for generations, there is an excessive unmotivated use of foreign words, which clogs up the native language, loses its identity, complicates communication between people, makes it not clear to everyone, leads to the formation of ridiculous phrases.

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