
A steady degradation of Russian-American bilateral relations after the beginning of the socalled New Cold War certainly represents one of the most critical destabilizing factors in the field of international security. At the same time, positions of Russia and the United States on the arrangement of the international order have become increasingly incompatible. In particular, Moscow and Washington do not share a common understanding on both basic principles and their own role in the international order of the 21st century. Not surprisingly, these realities evoke discussions and disputes within and between the academic communities in Russia and in the United States. A reviewed joint volume, published by MGIMO-university in 2019, is dedicated to the examination of a number of important issues, united by the common theme — interaction of the United States and Russia after the end of the Cold War. As a whole, the book represents an endeavor to unveil the sources of contradictions in contemporary Russian-American relations. As a point of departure, the authors accept that the current Russian-American tensions derive not from a misunderstanding by the parties of each other’s motives, or historically established prejudices and stereotypes, but rather stems from a fundamental incompatibility of interests, shaped in turn by various factors. Accordingly, this review aims not just to focus the audience’s attention on this joint volume, but also facilitate its smooth integration into the current academic debates on Russian-American relations and the prospects of the international order.

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