
There are a lot of common interests between Russia and the United States (if, of course, we analyse within the concept of “national interest” isolated from ideological issues and historical prejudices) — not only in the global issues (war against terrorism, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, reduction of strategic offensive weapons), but also at the regional level. Both Moscow and Washington are interested in creation a collective security system in East Asia, which will not only help to stabilize the situation on the Korean Peninsula, but also somehow hold back Chinese expansion in the region (though Russia and the United States have a different understanding of the concept and ways of this deterrence). However, the resemblance of Russian-American relations in the Middle East region seems to be even more interesting. Even though the US and Russia are opposing each other in the Syrian field, there are common views about the future of this country and the role of Iran. Again, the space for agreement arises from the objective goals and objectives of the players, as well as the availability of resources for their implementation. The US goal is to curb Iranian expansion in the region, and since it is now impossible to squeeze Iran out of Syria and southern Iraq, Washington wants at least to dilute its influence with other players. At the same time, Russia’s goal is to consolidate its positions in the Middle East — and it is possible only if there is no dominant force in the region. Any force at all. Therefore, the Kremlin is interested in constructing a regional balance of power and is even ready to work as an intermediary between the opposing sides. But if the US wants to use this mediator, they must realise its importance and necessity.


  • Тем не менее между Россией и Соединенными Штатами объективно существует множество общих интересов

  • Гуманитарные науки. вестник финансового университета 3’2019 a collective security system in East Asia, which will help to stabilize the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and somehow hold back Chinese expansion in the region

  • The US goal is to curb Iranian expansion in the region, and since it is impossible to squeeze Iran out of Syria and southern Iraq, Washington wants at least to dilute its influence with other players

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Тем не менее между Россией и Соединенными Штатами объективно существует множество общих интересов (если, конечно, рассматривать понятие «национальный интерес» в отрыве от идеологических наростов и исторических предрассудков). Пока они не поймут, что пункт о российском вмешательстве не является идиосинкразией американской политики, что для Конгресса и внешнеполитического истеблишмента США это серьезнейший вопрос национальной безопасности — ипосему центральный элемент в российско-американских отношениях — невозможно будет преодолеть негативное влияние этой истории на эти отношения», — говорит Роберт Легвольд из Колумбийского университета [2].

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