
Abstract On 30th October 1833 Russell Sedgfield, at the age of seven and while on a visit to London, wrote a letter to Master Edward Sedgfield, his younger brother by one year: ‘Dear Edward, I have seen the Monument, River, Ships, and a Steam Boat, and the ships are not as big as our house, and I went out walking and saw St Pauls ...’ The handwriting is firm and decisive. He concluded: ‘Give my love to Papa and Mama, Grandfather, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Charlotte, Henry and Sisters, and I remain, Your Affectionate Brother, Russell.’ A year or two later he wrote a pertinent little poem, The Family Meeting, in which he characterized his ten uncles and aunts. Good observation and the ability to grasp the essentials and weigh things up seem to have been distinctive traits of Sedgfield from an early age.

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