
This article aims to reveal the historical development of Russian philosophy, its main stages and its effects it on the philosophical thought. Taking stand from this aim the present study initially discusses two basic principles in a relation to the emergence of the Russian philosophy. The fundamentals of these two principles, being the facts that the Russian philosophy started to develop with its roots going back to early ancient ages of IX and X centuries and the opinions of that Russian philosophy started quite later period in the end of XVIII century and in the beginning of XIX century, are evidenced. Moreover, this study makes attempts to summarize the information about Russian philosophical trends, such as Neo-Leibnizianizm, Neo-Kantianism, Later Hegelianism and Schellingianism. Later on, it is tried to explain the fundamental thoughts on Slavophils and Westernism movements in the Russian philosophy. Therefore, this study discusses the efforts of leader thinkers of Slavophils such as Kyreevsky, Aksakov, Samarin and especially Hamyakov’s towards refuting the current Western thought trends and composing a new national, traditional philosophy within the framework of ‘Union’ philosophical intelligence. While Westernists were concerned for which reasons Russia should be directed to the West, their concerns were explained with the ideas of Westernist Russian philosophers like V. G. Belinsky, A. I. Hertzen, N. G. Chernischevky. Finally, Westernism and Slavic movement in Russian philosophy, and at the same time the intellectual resources of cosmology and dialectical point in Russian philosophy during Soviet and post-Soviet Russia are emphasized at the end of the study. Particularly, the views and contributions of the Russian philosophers, who are M.V. Lomonosov, M. M. Sherebatova and A. N. Radischtschew especially reflecting the originality of Russian thought, to the Russian philosophy is clarified in this study.

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