
This essay examines the problem of basqaqs and the Mongol decimal system in Appanage Rus’. It surveys the functions of the basqaqs or daruγas and the importance of the divisions of ten thousand and thousands in the Mongol Empire. In Appanage Rus’ the decimal system was of less importance for the organization of the Rus’ian armies than it was for the administration of the tribute and the collection of other taxes, especially on the local rural level. In Rus’ the Mongol division of ten thousand (tümen) was separated from its military connotations and became associated with the rural district of the volost and rural officials known as the hundredmen and tenmen. The essay reviews the various functions the hundredmen played in Europe and their place, together with the tenmen, in Appanage Rus’ for the collection of the tribute. At the same time, the thousandman or chiliarch gradually disappeared in northeastern Rus’.

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