
The Objectives of the study was to find out how rural women in Al-Zawiya sub-district / Baiji district participate in agricultural activities (plant and animal). The data was collected through a personal interview using a questionnaire form prepared for this purpose, which the first part included measuring social and economic variables that may be related to the level of rural women's participation in agricultural activities, and the data was collected through a personal interview using a questionnaire form prepared for this purpose, which included the first part of the form measuring social and economic variables that may be related to the level of rural women's participation in agricultural activities, and the data was collected through a personal interview using a questionnaire (age, marital status, educational level, number of family members working in agriculture, type of farm holding). The second part, it relates to scale for measuring the level of women's participation in agricultural activities (plant and animal), and it included two inspects: First: the field of vegetable agriculture. Second: The agricultural and animal activities field to calculate the values of this variable (28) works. were identified in this field, through which the level of rural women's participation in agricultural and animal activities is numerically determined. To reach the objectives of the research, several statistical methods were used, namely: (arithmetic mean, range, Pearson’s correlation law, Spearman’s correlation law. And standard deviation). The results of the study revealed that the majority of the respondents fall within the category of medium participation, and that the two categories of medium and high participation constitute (76%) of the total respondents, where the study showed that there is a relationship Significant correlation between the level of knowledge and each of (age, educational level, number of family members, farm ownership).

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