
The aim of this paper is to investigate the level of communication that has contributed for India’s rural development. The other reason is to check the success and malfunction of the different tools of communication in the rural development journey where many are fighting and stressing on improving the quality of rural life. In this article we will analyze some communication projects which are for rural development. Also we will discuss about the post liberalization impact on media for rural and urban development. This paper will trace the history of print and electronic media use for rural development. Initially it defines the kind of different activities initiated by government and non-government organizations that are in use as a part of developmental practice. It also investigates about some of the issues that implementation of rural development programs have been affected with and argues that different tools of mass media could overcome some of the flaws in implementation. The analysis will also focus on the positive impact of media privatization on urban development and how it turned public and private broadcasting in favour of entertainment and consumerism. Besides, this will also investigate about different communication policies which are practically in favour of rural development but remain urban affluent. The research undertaken is qualitative.

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