
There is a maldistribution of dental professionals working in rural and remote regions of Australia. This study investigates dental graduates from a newly established rural clinical school (RCS) at Charles Sturt University (CSU), New South Wales, Australia, and records graduates' workforce locations and views on working in both metropolitan and rural practice. In late 2015 to early 2016, CSU graduates of 2013 and 2014 were asked to complete a telephone interview related to their employment choices. Thirty-nine interviews (68% of contactable graduates) were completed. Qualitative framework analysis was applied to identify trends and themes. More than half of the graduates were working rurally, with 67% working full-time and 77% in private practice. Key influencing factors on graduates related to rural employment were as follows: family and personal relationships, developing clinical skills, rural community, lifestyle, professional support, mentorship, job availability, full-time employment and financial incentives. Key barriers to working rurally included leaving family and friends, small patient base, low salary, partner factors, and professional and personal isolation. More than half of the CSU graduates were working in rural communities, demonstrating initially positive rural workforce outcomes. Reasons for choosing to work rurally were complex and spanned a broad spectrum of social, personal, professional development and support, community, economic, environmental and lifestyle factors. Future workforce strategies should apply a broad multifactorial approach to consider the complex interrelated employment factors. Furthermore, increased evaluation is required of the CSU programme, with increased workforce outcomes and exploration of employment retention factors.

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