
Trakeobronsiyal yaralanma kunt ya da penetran gogus travmasindan kaynaklanir ve nadir ancak potansiyel olarak olumcul bir durumdur. Ana bronsun ya da karinanin kunt travma nedeniyle rupture olmasi nadir bir durumdur ve cocuklarda en ciddi yaralanmalardan biridir. Bu tip yaralanmanin tanisi guctur ve yuksek seviyeli klinik suphe gerektirir. Burada iki total ana brons rupturu olgusu sunmaktayiz. Bronsiyal rupturun primer onarimi ilk olguda yaralanmadan iki hafta sonra, ikinci olguda ise yaralanmadan hemen sonra gerceklestirildi. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Bronslar; karina; cocuk; ruptur; travma. Tracheobronchial injury results from blunt or penetrating chest trauma and is a rare, but potentially fatal condition. Rupture of the main bronchus or carina by blunt trauma is unusual, and it is one of the most severe injuries in children. The diagnosis of this kind of injury is challenging and requires a high degree of clinical suspicion. Here, we report two cases of total rupture of the main bronchus. Primary repair of the bronchial rupture was performed two weeks after the injury in the first case, and immediately after the injury in the second case.

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