
There have been only 20 reported cases of non-surgical rupture of a craniopharyngioma cyst, with only 3 cases secondary to trauma. Here we present a rare case of temporary shrinkage of a cystic craniopharyngioma following head trauma. After a motor vehicle accident in May 2001, a 61-year old woman began to have blurred vision and headaches. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head revealed a primarily cystic mass measuring approximately two centimeters, involving the sellar and suprasellar area with compression of the pituitary. Visual field testing showed a left hemianopsia and the patient was referred for surgical evaluation. Transsphenoidal drainage of the cystic lesion in November 2001 provided histologic confirmation of the craniopharyngioma. Post-operative MRI showed cyst reduction and visual fields improved. Late in 2002, the patient again experienced progressive visual loss. Repeat MRI revealed a recurrent cystic craniopharyngioma, now measuring approximately three centimeters with subfrontal and parasellar extension and compression of the optic chiasm. A bifrontal surgical approach was advocated; however, prior to the scheduled surgery, the patient sustained a fall with trauma to the head. Following this event she experienced dramatic improvement in her headache and vision and repeat MRI showed the cystic lesion to be significantly decreased in size. Spontaneous rupture of craniopharyngioma cysts is uncommon but has been reported with increasing frequency. It is, however, exceedingly rare for a cyst to rupture following trauma.

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