
Competitive cross-country runners train at much higher loads and with greater demands than recreational runners, posing a unique set of physiological and psychological challenges. Thus, identification of factors influencing health and nutritional choices in male cross-country runners is needed to help combat energy-related health issues. To assess male college cross-country runners' perspectives regarding sport-related health and the factors impacting their eating behaviors. Cross-sectional survey. The Runner's Health Choices Questionnaire was distributed to male college cross-country runners. Responses were analyzed using quantitative descriptive statistics. One hundred nineteen runners completed the survey. Runners reported a diverse range of factors impacting eating and health behaviors from athletic performance enhancement to enjoyment of food. Less than 6% of athletes ranked athletic trainer, registered dietitian, or physician as often consulted for nutrition/health information. However, 75% of runners said they would be somewhat likely or very likely to make dietary or health changes if given new or additional information by a health care provider. Male cross-country runners appear to try to balance a global desire to be healthy with individual preferences. Athletes may be receptive to nutritional education that utilizes a biopsychosocial model with mental and psychological health support, and intentional effort is needed to support runners' overall health.

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