
On April 21—23, 2021, the Russian State Library (RSL) hosted the International scientific and practical conference “Rumyantsev Readings”, which is one of the largest annual library events. The conference traditionally raises issues of preserving and studying the world cultural heritage, promotes intercultural interaction. In 2021, it covered a wide range of issues of theory and practice of library science, bibliography science, and bibliology. The participants are specialists of libraries of all levels, from federal to municipal, and various departmental subordination, museums, archives, higher educational institutions and research institutes from 19 regions of Russia, as well as from the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Broadcasting of the meetings, as well as holding a number of sections and round tables both in face-to-face and zoom-conference format, significantly increased the audience coverage. The Rumyantsev Readings attracted the highest number of remote participants (2,427 connections), that determined the relevance of the conference in modern conditions. Three hundred and one participants attended the conference personally.The rich program included a plenary session, 13 round tables, seminars, and sections. The following sections were organised at the Rumyantsev Readings: “Library in the modern world: accessibility in the period of restrictions”; “Information and bibliographic activity: theory and practice”; “Collectors, researchers, curators. Libraries and museums in the context of history”; “Art Publications in the collections of libraries. Creation, existence, study”; “Specialized collections (printed music and maps) in the library holdings”; “Manuscript sources in the collections of libraries”; “Rare books and book monuments”; “Theory and practice of library science”; “Library classification systems”. As part of the pre-session meeting of the 32nd Section on Library Management and Marketing of the Russian Library Association, there was a round table “Social networking activity of libraries: how to record and report (methodological approaches and solutions)”. There were also the following events: a round table a “The Register of book monuments: government database of recording and registration and scientific research resource”, an expert session “Actual problems of formation of digital competencies of learners in the library and information sphere” and a scientific and practical seminar “Actual heritage” devoted to the 150th birth anniversary of L.B. Khavkina. The publishing house of the Russian State Library “Pashkov Dom” has released the conference proceedings.

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