
This study investigated the effect of using the lactate-utilizing bacterium Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB 41125 as a probiotic supplement on rumen fermentation and pH in dairy cows in the immediate postcalving period. Fourteen multiparous rumen-fistulated Holstein cows, blocked according to 305-d milk yield in the previous lactation, were used in a randomized complete block design. From d 1 to 28 postcalving, cows were fed ad libitum a total mixed ration with a forage to concentrate ratio of 392:608 and a starch concentration of 299g/kg of dry matter. Treatments consisting of a minimum of 1010 cfu of Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB 41125 or autoclaved M. elsdenii (placebo) were administered via the rumen cannula on d 3 and 12 of lactation (n=7 per treatment). Mid-rumen pH was measured every 15min, and eating and ruminating behaviors were recorded for 24h on d 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 22, and 28. Rumen fluid for volatile fatty acid and lactic acid analysis was collected at 11 time points on each of d 2, 4, 6, 13, and 15. Yields of milk and milk protein and lactose were similar, but milk fat concentration tended to be higher in cows that received the placebo. Time spent eating and ruminating and dry matter intake were similar across treatments. Ruminal lactic acid concentrations were highly variable between animals, and no cases of clinical acidosis were observed. Both treatment groups had rumen pH <5.6 for more than 3h/d (a commonly used threshold to define subacute ruminal acidosis), but the length of time with rumen pH <5.6 was markedly reduced in the days immediately after dosing and fluctuated much less from day to day in cows that received M. elsdenii compared with those that received the placebo. Ruminal total volatile fatty acid concentrations were similar across treatments, but the acetate:propionate ratio tended to be smaller in cows that received M. elsdenii. Despite the lack of a measurable treatment effect on ruminal lactic acid concentration, supplementation of early lactation dairy cows with lactate-utilizing M. elsdenii altered the rumen fermentation patterns in favor of propionate, with potential benefits for energy balance and animal productivity.

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