
We have analyzed the results of a comprehensive study which involved 587 patients with chronic nonatrophic gastritis. It was established that all patients suffered from chronic non-atrophic gastritis of varying degrees of activity and varying degrees of severity. When analyzing the history data, it was found that the leading right hand was in 584 (99,5 %), and the left one in 3 (0,5 %) patients, and all patients would take the toilet paper by the leading hand after the act of defecation; at the time of the survey the bathroom in the house number 205 (34,9 %) patients was combined, and in 382 (65,1 %) it was separate; the рatients in 100% of cases noted pathology of the gastrointestinal tract at least in one of their close relatives. Given that the presence of separate toilets formed 13 zones of the "storage" of inactive forms of HP infection, and in the combined one there were 9 of them, the patients and all members of their families were urged to follow the rule of "the other hand" (the paper should be taken by the opposite to the leading hand after a bowel movement and do not touch any places until it is washed with soap) and control yourself 3-4 days to produce a conditioned reflex and band –" drives "1 times a week while cleaning the facilities to process a disinfectant containing chlorine ("Domestos ", weak solution of normal brightness).


  • We have analyzed the results of a comprehensive study

  • It was established that all patients suffered from chronic non-atrophic gastritis

  • it was found that the leading right hand was in

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При анализе данных анамнеза выяснено, что ведущая правая рука была у 584 (99,5 %), а левая – у 3 (0,5 %) пациентов и все пациенты после акта дефекации брали туалетную бумагу в ведущую руку; на момент обследования санузел в доме у 205 (34,9 %) пациентов был совмещённый, а у 382 (65,1 %) – раздельным; пациенты в 100 % случаев отмечали патологию желудочнокишечного тракта хотя бы в одного из близких родственников. С этой целью у 587 больных хроническим неатрофическим гастритом при сборе анамнеза отмечались следующие моменты: 1) правша или левша; 2) раздельный или совмещённый санузел в доме; 3) наличие у пациентов родственников по прямой линии (дедушки и бабушки по обеим линиям, отец и мать, родные братья и сёстры, дети, внуки), у которых была выявлена патология желудочнокишечного тракта.

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