
As a result of the institution of the International Geophysical Year in 1957, the Brazilian Navy organized an expedition to the island of Trindade, on which Rudolf Barth participated. He was a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute and the Naval Research Institute, and a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council. The scientist returned to the island of Trindade the following year, on a second expedition with the Brazilian Navy. The research findings then resulted in some scientific publications and two unpublished reports with observations and data concerning terrestrial, zoological, meteorological, climatological, geomorphological and biological phenomena. The reports are then transcribed.


  • E m Dortmund, Alemanha, em 30 de março de 1913, nascia Rudolf Barth, terceiro filho do pastor luterano Friedrich C

  • the Brazilian Navy organized an expedition to the island of Trindade

  • He was a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute

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E m Dortmund, Alemanha, em 30 de março de 1913, nascia Rudolf Barth, terceiro filho do pastor luterano Friedrich C. Casaram-se em 1938, após a conclusão de seus estudos, e durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial nasceram os dois filhos do casal: Ortrud Monika, em 1939, e Ulrich, em 1943. Rudolf Barth doutorou-se em zoologia na Universidade de Bonn em 1937, sob a orientação de August Reichensperger, e, no ano seguinte, ocupou cargo de chefia num órgão regional da Defesa Sanitária Vegetal do Ministério da Agricultura, na cidade de Donaueschingen, no sul da Alemanha.

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