
Because of its catalytic inefficiencies, Rubisco is the most obvious target for improvement to enhance the photosynthetic capacity of plants. Two hypotheses are tested in the present work: (1) existing Rubiscos have optimal kinetic properties to maximize photosynthetic carbon assimilation in existing higher plants; (2) current knowledge allows proposal of changes to kinetic properties to make Rubiscos more suited to changed conditions in chloroplasts that are likely to occur with climate change. The catalytic mechanism of Rubisco results in higher catalytic rates of carboxylation being associated with decreased affinity for CO2, so that selection for different environments involves a trade-off between these two properties. The simulations performed in this study confirm that the optimality of Rubisco kinetics depends on the species and the environmental conditions. In particular, environmental drivers affecting the CO2 availability for carboxylation (Cc) or directly shifting the photosynthetic limitations between Rubisco and RuBP regeneration determine to what extend Rubisco kinetics are optimally suited to maximize CO2 assimilation rate. In general, modeled values for optimal kinetic reflect the predominant environmental conditions currently encountered by the species in the field. Under future climatic conditions, photosynthetic CO2 assimilation will be limited by RuBP-regeneration, especially in the absence of water stress, the largest rise in [CO2] and the lowest increases in temperature. Under these conditions, the model predicts that optimal Rubisco should have high Sc/o and low kcatc.

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