
IN HIS ANALYSIS of Ruben Dario's poem Sinfonia en gris mayor, Allen W. Phillips finds that the setting of the poem suggests the idea of mist, an assertion which necessarily leads him to associate this environment with the mariner's vision of a distant and misty country: El ambiente tranquilo se Ilena de sombra y se sugiere la idea de bruma. .... Un poco despu's, relacionada con el color gris es la vaguedad del pais lejano y brumoso entrevisto en el ensuefio del marinero.' A structural analysis of the poem will show, I believe, that the mariner's vision constitutes an inaccessible ideal which is to be equated with neither the present nor the past environment of the poem. Rather, the structure of the poem appears to reside in the antithetical relationships of these two environments to the mariner's vision. The

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