
The purpose of this paper is to emphasis on Royal Commission efforts in protecting, controlling and monitoring the environment by implementing the environmental regulation and standards that rules all related potential pollutants and indicates industries investment to wards using best available techniques (BAT) to have green economy and sustainable city. Royal Commission invested billions to build “Yanbu industrial City” through a strategic 30 year master plan. The Royal Commission for Jubail & Yanbu is responsible for conducting pollution associated with the development and operation of industrial cities. The Royal Commission had developed and adopted regulation, standards and guidelines to control substances emitted, discharged or deposited and noise generated within the industrial cities. RC Regulation and standards covered but not limited to the following sections: Environmental Regulatory System (that includes all regulation for all different pollutants in the city), Penalties system(to be applied for the violators and non-compliance industries), Air Environment (air quality index- metrological and air quality data – air quality stations), Water Environment (sampling and controlling the quality and others parameters in all types of water), Hazardous Materials Management (handling, recycling, treatment and disposal of hazardous waste), Dredging (caring and monitoring marine environment), Noise (occupational health), and Reporting & Record Keeping (data base).In conclusion, Paper content will emphasize the application and implementing of royal commission environmental regulation specially that support clean and renewable energy and encouraging industries to apply the 3R principles and also trough the awareness programs that will be provided for the students and public to achieve the sustainable strategic goal, also will introduce the best available practice and technology in Yanbu industrial City in different process and operations.

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