
ABSTRACT Recent peanut cultivar releases are trending to a larger seed size, but have great resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). Larger-seeded cultivars cost more to plant than smaller at an equivalent population. Reduced seeding rates could save growers on seed costs and impede the spread of southern stem rot, but can reduce plant stands which can lower yields and increase TSWV incidence. Therefore, the objectives of this experiment were to compare seven peanut cultivars (Georgia Green, Georgia-06G, AT 3085RO, Florida-07, Tifguard, AP-3, and Georgia-03L) in single and twin row patterns at three seeding rates (17, 20, and 23 seed/m) on a sandy loam soil at Plains, GA for disease incidence, agronomic, and economic performance. Measured variables included yield and grade, plant height and stand, TSWV and southern stem rot incidence, and adjusted net revenue in 2008 and 2009. Twin rows outperformed single rows whenever differences occurred. The only factors consistently affected by reducing seeding rate were plant height and stand, both decreased at the lowest seeding rate. There was a trend toward lower yields (approximately 6% reduction) at the 17 seed/m rate in twin row pattern, although net returns were not diminished compared to the higher seeding rates since lower seed costs offset yield reductions. The cultivars Georgia-06G and Florida-07 had the highest yield and adjusted net revenue among the seven cultivars in both years. Tifguard and Georgia Green had lowest overall yields and would not be preferred cultivars in sandy loam soils. This study demonstrates that twin rows have higher yield, plant stands, and net revenue, plus reduced TSWV incidence than single row pattern, and a reduction in seeding rate to 17 seed/m can be made without serious risk of lost revenue. However, benefits of reducing seeding rate in twin rows were not as pronounced as they were for single rows, and exhibited a greater potential for lower yield. A grower planting in single rows would likely have the most to gain from planting fewer seed, especially under heavy southern stem rot pressure, but planting in twin rows would still be a preferred option over single rows.

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