
I. History 1. West European Economic Integration since 1950 (Nicholas Crafts) 2. The History of European Economic and Monetary Union (Harold James) 3. History of Economic Thought and Policy-Making at the European Commission (Ivo Maes) II. The Single Market and the Euro 1. The Economics of the Single Market (Harry Flam) 2. Factor Movements: FDI (Bent Sorensen, Carolina Villegas-Sanchez) 3. The Euro as an International Currency (Agnes Benassy Quere) III. Monetary and Fiscal Policy 1. The Common Currency: More Complicated than it Seems (Charles Wyplosz) 2. Design Failures in the Euro Area: Can They Be Fixed? (Paul De Grauwe) 3. The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area (Angela Maddaloni , Jose Peydro) 4. Fiscal Policy in the EU: An Overview of Recent and Potential Future Developments (Roel Beetsma) 5. The Roles of Fiscal Rules, Fiscal Councils, and Fiscal Union in EU Integration (Lars Calmfors) IV. Trade Issues 1. European Integration and the Gains from Trade (Gianmarco Ottaviano) 2. The Effects of European Integration on the Stability of International Trade: A Duration Perspective (Tibor Besedes) 3. EU Trade Policy (Andre Sapir) 4. The EU and the US: TTIP (Gabriel Felbermayr) 5. The EU and the ACP Countries (Ludger Kuhnhardt) V. Selected Policy Areas 1. Regional Policy (Sascha Becker, Peter Egger,Max von Ehrlich) 2. The Common Agricultural Policy (Johan Swinnen) 3. Labor and Social Policy (Giuseppe Bertola) 4. Tax Competition and Tax Coordination (Christian Keuschnigg, Simon Loretz, Hannes Winner) 5. Financial Market Integration, Regulation and Stability (Angel Ubide) VI. The Crisis 1. The Crisis in Retrospect: Causes, Effects, and Policy Responses (Fritz Breuss) 2. Exceptional Policies for Exceptional Times: The ECB's Response to the Rolling Crises of the Euro Area (Lucrezia Reichlin, Huw Pill) 3. Living (Dangerously) Without a Fiscal Union (Ashoka Mody) 4. Reforming the Architecture of EMU: Ensuring Stability in Europe (Jakob de Haan, Jeroen Hesseland, Niels Gilbert) VII. Institutions 1. The Political Economy of European Integration (Enrico Spolaore) 2. Efficiency, Proportionality and Member States' Power in the EU Council of Ministers (Nikolaos Antonakakis, Harald Badinger, Wolf Heinrich Reuter) 3. Measuring European Economic and Institutional Integration (Helge Berger, Volker Nitsch) 4. The Dynamics of European Economic Integration: A Legal Perspective (Erich Vranes)

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