
The accidental introduction of round gobies ( Neogobius melanostomus) into the North American Great Lakes has raised concerns about their potential impacts on local fauna. Gobies have similar habitat and spawning requirements to mottled sculpins ( Cottus bairdi) and slimy sculpins ( C. cognatus), and may already be displacing sculpins where the ranges of the species overlap. Like sculpins, gobies are capable of penetrating interstitial spaces to acquire food, and therefore may become predators of interstitially incubating lake trout eggs. Laboratory experiments were conducted to compare egg consumption rates and critical size (the minimum size at which a fish was capable of ingesting an egg) between round gobies and mottled sculpins. Predation by both species on lake trout eggs and fry was also examined in two grades of substrate (cobble and gravel). Mottled sculpins consumed larger numbers of eggs than round gobies of similar size, and were capable of ingesting eggs at smaller sizes than gobies. Both gobies and sculpins had lower foraging success on smaller substrates (gravel) than on cobble. Gobies are currently present at higher densities than sculpins in areas where they are established in the Great Lakes. The similar predation of lake trout eggs by round gobies and mottled sculpin and high densities the goby has achieved at some Great Lakes sites leads to the prediction that the round goby may negatively affect lake trout reproduction and therefore rehabilitation.

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