
A new two-dimensional heteronuclear multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning (MQ MAS) experiment is presented which combines high resolution for the half-integer quadrupolar nucleus with information about the dipolar coupling between the quadrupolar nucleus and a spin I=1/2 nucleus. Homonuclear MQ coherence is initially created for the half-integer quadrupolar nucleus by a single pulse as in a standard MQ MAS experiment. REDOR recoupling of the heteronuclear dipolar coupling then allows the creation of a heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence comprising multiple- and single-quantum coherence of the quadrupolar and spin I=1/2 nucleus, respectively, which evolves during t1. Provided that the t1 increment is not rotor synchronized, rotor-encoded spinning-sideband patterns are observed in the indirect dimension. Simulated spectra for an isolated IS spin pair show that these patterns depend on the recoupling time, the magnitude of the dipolar coupling, the quadrupolar parameters, as well as the relative orientation of the quadrupolar and dipolar principal axes systems. Spectra are presented for Na2HPO4, with the heteronuclear 23Na-1HMQ MAS experiments beginning with the excitation of 23Na (spin I=3/2) three-quantum coherence. Coherence counting experiments demonstrate that four- and two-quantum coherences evolve during t1. The heteronuclear spinning-sideband patterns observed for the three-spin H-Na-H system associated with the Na(2) site are analyzed. For an IS2 system, simulated spectra show that, considering the free parameters, the spinning-sideband patterns are particularly sensitive to only, first, the angle between the two IS internuclear vectors and, second, the two heteronuclear dipolar couplings. It is demonstrated that the proton localization around the Na(2) site according to the literature crystal structure of Na2HPO4 is erroneous. Instead, the experimental data is consistent with two alternative different structural arrangements, whereby either there is a deviation of 10 degrees from linearity for the case of two identical Na-H distances, or there is a linear arrangement, but the two Na-H distances are different. Furthermore, the question of the origin of spinning-sidebands in the (homonuclear) MQ MAS experiment is revisited. It is shown that the asymmetric experimental MQ sideband pattern observed for the low-C(Q) Na(2) site in Na(2)HPO4 can only be explained by considering the 23Na chemical shift anisotropy.

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