
The rotational spectrum of cyanoacetaldehyde (NCCH(2)CHO) has been investigated in the 19.5-80.5 and 150-500 GHz spectral regions. It is found that cyanoacetaldehyde is strongly preferred over its tautomer cyanovinylalcohol (NCCH═CHOH) in the gas phase. The spectra of two rotameric forms of cyanoacetaldehyde produced by rotation about the central C-C bond have been assigned. The C-C-C-O dihedral angle has an unusual value of 151(3)° from the synperiplanar (0°) position in one of the conformers denoted I, while this dihedral angle is exactly synperiplanar in the second rotamer called II, which therefore has C(s) symmetry. Conformer I is found to be preferred over II by 2.9(8) kJ/mol from relative intensity measurements. A double minimum potential for rotation about the central C-C bond with a small barrier maximum at the exact antiperiplanar (180°) position leads to Coriolis perturbations in the rotational spectrum of conformer I. Selected transitions of I were fitted to a Hamiltonian allowing for this sort of interaction, and the separation between the two lowest vibrational states was determined to be 58794(14) MHz [1.96112(5) cm(-1)]. Attempts to include additional transitions in the fits using this Hamiltonian failed, and it is concluded that it lacks interaction terms to account satisfactorily for all the observed transitions. The situation was different for II. More than 2000 transitions were assigned and fitted to the usual Watson Hamiltonian, which allowed very accurate values to be determined not only for the rotational constants, but for many centrifugal distortion constants as well. Two vibrationally excited states were also assigned for this form. Theoretical calculations were performed at the B3LYP, MP2, and CCSD levels of theory using large basis sets to augment the experimental work. The predictions of these calculations turned out to be in good agreement with most experimental results.

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