
The pure rotational spectra of 18 isotopic species of SiSe (8) and SiTe (10) have been measured in their X 1Σ + electronic state with a pulsed-jet resonator Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. The molecules were prepared by a combined DC discharge/laser ablation technique and stabilised in a supersonic jet of Ar. Global multi-isotopologue analyses yielded spectroscopic Dunham parameters Y 01, Y 11, Y 21, Y 31 and Y 02 for both species, as well as effective Born–Oppenheimer breakdown (BOB) coefficients δ 01 for Si, Se and Te. A direct fit of the same data sets to an appropriate radial Hamiltonian yielded analytic potential energy functions and BOB radial functions for the X 1Σ + electronic state of both SiSe and SiTe. Additionally, the magnetic hyperfine interactions produced by the uneven mass number A nuclei 29Si, 77Se and 125Te were observed, yielding first determinations of the corresponding nuclear spin–rotation coupling constants.

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