
ABSTRACT The rotational properties of ∼10-m-scale asteroids are poorly understood with only a few measurements. Additionally, collisions or thermal recoil can spin their rotations to periods less than a few seconds obfuscating their study due to the observational cadence imposed by the long read-out times of charge-coupled device imagers. We present a method to measure the rotation periods of 10-m-scale asteroids using the target of opportunity capability of the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) and its MegaCam imager by intentionally streaking their detections in single exposures when they are at their brightest. Periodic changes in brightness as small as ∼0.05 mag along the streak can be measured as short as a few seconds. Additionally, the streak photometry is taken in multiple g, r, and i filter exposures enabling the measurement of asteroid colours. The streak photometry method was tested on CFHT observations of three 10-m-scale asteroids, 2016 GE1, 2016 CG18, and 2016 EV84. Our three targets are among the smallest known asteroids with measured rotation periods/colours having some of the shortest known rotation periods. We compare our rotation period and taxonomic results with independent data from the literature and discuss applications of the method to future small asteroid observations.

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