
The Kerr rotating black hole solution displays some remarkable features indicating a relation to the structure of the spinning elementary particles. In particular, in the 1969 Carter [1] observed, that if three parameters of the Kerr-Newman metric are adopted to be (ħ=c=1) e 2 ≈ 1/137, m ≈ 10−22, ma= 1/2, then one obtains a model for the four parameters of the electron: charge, mass, spin and magnetic moment, and the gyromagnetic ratio is automatically the same as that of the Dirac electron. Investigations along this line [2–6] allowed to find out stringy structures in the real and complex Kerr geometry and to put forward a conjecture on the baglike structure of the source of the Kerr-Newman solution. The earlier investigations [2, 13, 5] showed that this source represents a rigid rotator (a relativistic disk) built of an exotic matter with superconducting properties. Since 1992 black holes have paid attention of string theory. In 1992 the Kerr solution was generalized by Sen to low energy string theory [7], and it was shown [17] that near the Kerr singular ring the Kerr-Sen solution acquires a metric similar to the field around a heterotic string. The point of view has appeared that black holes can be treated as elementary particles [8], On the other hand, a description of a spinning particle based only on the bosonic fields cannot be complete, and involving fermionic degrees of freedom is required. Therefore, the spinning particle must be based on a super-Kerr-Newman black hole solution [18] representing a natural combination of the Kerr spinning particle and superparticle model. Angular momentum L of spinning particles is very high |a|= L/m ≥ m, and the horizons of the Kerr metric disappear. There appears a naked ring-like singularity which has to be regularized being replaced by a smooth matter source. In this review we consider a source representing a rotating superconducting bag with a smooth domain wall boundary described by a supersymmetric version ofKeywordsBlack HoleDomain WallBlack Hole SolutionHeterotic StringNull PlaneThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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