Recently, Bañados, Silk and West (BSW) demonstrated that the extremal Kerr black hole can act as a particle accelerator with arbitrarily high center-of-mass energy (ECM) when the collision takes place near the horizon. The rotating Hayward’s regular black hole, apart from Mass (M) and angular momentum (a), has a new parameter g (g > 0 is a constant) that provides a deviation from the Kerr black hole. We demonstrate that for each g, with M = 1, there exist critical a E and r , which corresponds to a regular extremal black hole with degenerate horizons, and a E decreases whereas r increases with increase in g. While a < a E describe a regular non-extremal black hole with outer and inner horizons. We apply the BSW process to the rotating Hayward’s regular black hole, for different g, and demonstrate numerically that the ECM diverges in the vicinity of the horizon for the extremal cases thereby suggesting that a rotating regular black hole can also act as a particle accelerator and thus in turn provide a suitable framework for Plank-scale physics. For a non-extremal case, there always exist a finite upper bound for the ECM, which increases with the deviation parameter g.
On the other hand a spacetime singularity or a naked singularity is the final fate of continual gravitational collapse [27], and it is widely believed that a singularity must be removed by quantum gravity effects
The main purpose of this paper is to study the collision of two particles with equal rest masses in the background of the rotating Hayward’s regular black hole and to see what effect the deviation parameter g makes on the ECM
It is widely believed that spacetime singularities do not exist in nature, but that they represent a limitation or creation of the classical general theory of relativity
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the rotating Hayward’s regular black hole can act as a particle accelerator. It turns out that the δg decreases with increase in a and it vanish in the case of the extremal black hole. One can find values of parameters for which these two horizons coincide which correspond to an extremal black hole. The location of static limit surface is shown in the figure 4 for different values of a and g. The event horizon of the rotating Hayward’s regular metric (2.1) is located at r = rHE , where ∆ = 0, and it is rotating with angular velocity ΩH. ∆=0 has no root, i.e., no horizon exists, one gets no black hole (cf figures 2, 3 and 5)
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