
An experimental stagnation pressure measurement technique is presented for a rotating detonation combustor (RDC). Schlieren imaging enables rotating detonation wave passage to be correlated with oscillations observed in the under-expanded exhaust plume. By measuring the spatiotemporal variation in exhaust plume divergence angle, stagnation pressure measurements of the RDC were acquired at a rate of 1 MHz. Combustor mass flux was varied between 202 and 783 kg/m2s, producing equivalent available pressures (EAPs) in the range of 3.42–13.5 bar. Time-averaged stagnation pressure measurements gathered using this technique were in agreement with the measured EAP within ±1.5%. Time-resolved stagnation pressure measurements allow for the pressure ratio produced across detonation wave cycles to be determined. For the conditions tested, detonation pressure ratios and wave speeds decreased while increasing the mean operating pressure of the combustor. Numerical modeling of the conditions tested indicates that the decrease in pressure ratio and wave speed is a result of elevated levels of combustion prior to the detonation wave arrival (i.e., “preburning”). Simultaneous OH* chemiluminescence measurements within the combustion chamber show an increase in preburned heat release relative to detonative heat release for increasing operating pressures of the RDC, in agreement with the results of the numerical model. Modeled chemical kinetic timescales decrease by approximately the same magnitude by which the preburning mass fraction increased in the range of operating pressures tested, suggesting that the faster reaction rates associated with higher pressure combustion may be the reason for increased preburning within the combustor.

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