
We investigate the rotating D3-brane solution with maximum number of angular momentum parameters. After determining the angular velocities, Hawking temperature, ADM mass and entropy, we use this geometry to construct general three-parameter models of non-supersymmetric pure SU(N) Yang-Mills theories in 2+1 dimensions. We calculate glueball masses in the WKB approximation and obtain closed analytic expressions for generic values of the parameters. We also determine the masses of Kaluza--Klein states associated with internal parts of the ten-dimensional metric and investigate the parameter region where some of these states are decoupled. To leading order in 1/\lambda and 1/N (where \lambda is the 't Hooft coupling) we find a global U(1)^3 symmetry and states with masses comparable to glueball masses, which have no counterpart in the more familiar (finite \lambda, N) Yang-Mills theories.

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