
We find an exact spherically symmetric magnetically charged black hole solution to general relativity (GR) coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics (NED) with an appropriate Lagrangian density. In turn, starting with this spherical black hole as a seed metric, we construct a rotating spacetime, a modification of Kerr black hole, using the revised Newman–Janis algorithm that depends on mass, spin, and a NED parameter g. We find an exact expression for thermodynamic quantities of the black holes like the mass, Hawking temperature, entropy, heat capacity, and free energy expressed in terms of horizon radius, and they show significant deviations from the Kerr case owing to NED. We also calculate analytical expressions for effective Komar mass and angular momentum for the rotating black hole and demonstrate that the Komar conserved quantity corresponding to the null Killing vector at horizon obeys Kχ=2S+T+. The radiating counterpart renders a generalization of Carmeli’s spacetime as well as Vaidya’s spacetime in the appropriate limits.

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