
A control decision meeting was held on December 19, 2000, to analyze the rotary mode core sampling (RMCS) controls. The agenda for the control decision meeting is included in Appendix A, and the attendee list is included in Appendix B. The purpose of this control decision meeting was to reconcile the Los Alamos National Laboratories safety assessment control allocation for RMCS with the rest of the Tank Farms Authorization Basis (AB). In-mid 1998, calculation note HNF-3228, Rev. 0, Recalculation of Accident Consequences to Account for Rotary Mode Core Sampling, was generated to incorporate RMCS into HNF-SD-WM-B10-001, Tank Waste Remediation System Basis for Interim Operation (BIO), which was the current AB at that time. The Addendum 5 addition to the BIO was based on calculation note HNF-3228 and issued for approval in August 1998. Approval of Addendum 5 has been delayed. Since Addendum 5 was generated, the BIO has been superceded by HNF-SD-WM-SAR-067, Tank Farms Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR); numerous changes have been made to the accident analyses; and considerable data have been gathered on aerosol experience during RMCS. These changes necessitated an update to HNF-3228, Rev. 0, to provide a current evaluation of the impact of RMCS activities onmore » the accident analyses in the FSAR before RMCS is incorporated into the FSAR. The scope of this control decision is for RMCS activities only. The AB documents used for this control decision were Revision 2 of the FSAR and Revision 2 of HNF-SD-WM-TSR-006, Tank Farms Technical Safety Requirements, as well as supporting calculation notes HNF-3228, Rev. 1, HNF-4240, Rev. 1, Organic Solvent Topical Report, and HNF-3588, Rev. 1, Organic Complexant Topical Report. The control decision meeting was conducted in accordance with the established and approved process and criteria described in the FSAR. A summary of the control decision process and criteria was presented at the start of the control decision meeting and is included in Appendix C. Control decisions were based on Addendum 5 of the BIO, on the best available information from the hazard and accident analyses, and on the technical expertise and experience of the meeting participants. Decisions were made by consensus. Section 2.0 of this report provides an overview of the control decision meeting presentations made on December 19, 2000. The presentations mainly described the existing hazards identified in Addendum 5 of the BIO. Section 3.0 of this report summarizes the control decision discussion at the December 19, 2000, meeting. The discussion summary identifies the controls that were considered and the reasons why specific controls were (or were not) selected. Section 4.0 of this report provides a listing of the references that are cited in the preceding sections.« less

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