
A cytoarchitectonic and morphometric study of the human lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN) is presented. In sagittal sections, the LVN appears as a triangular cell group rostrally located near the motor trigeminal nucleus and caudally near the vestibular root. The estimated volume is 13.49 mm 3 with a neuronal population of 25,046 cells and 1855 neurons/mm 3 in density. The average neuronal cross-sectional area changes from a minimum caudally (380.02 ± 7.23 μm 2) to a maximum rostrally (825.16 ± 25.10 μm 2). Four types of neurons can be observed: small (< 200 μm 2), medium (200–500 μm 2, large (500–100 μm 2) and giant or Deiters's cells (> 1000 μm 2. The small and medium cells constitute 62%, large cells 26% and the giant cells only 12% of the neuronal population.

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