
In the context of an identification program of sources from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) on Schmidt objective prism plates (Bade et al. 1992a, b) we discovered two galaxy pairs, which contain a narrow-line Seyfert 1 component with an X-ray luminosity of Lx ∼ 1044 erg s−1 and an HII–region galaxy. Apparently they are interacting. Their redshifts are 0.1 < z < 0.3 and their brightnesses 17.5 < B < 19.5. A third one was found among EINSTEIN sources. Typical separations between the components are 10″. Near the pairs other galaxies were found, and although their physical association is not confirmed spectroscopically it is quite probable that they form a small cluster of galaxies. ROSAT HRI observations indicate that the X-ray emission is not extended and originate from the AGN alone. It is remarkable that the AGN in all physical pairs identified so far have rather narrow permitted emission lines with linewidths ≤ 1500 km s−1.

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