
Data augmentation has been widely used in low-resource NER tasks to tackle the problem of data sparsity. However, previous data augmentation methods have the disadvantages of disrupted syntactic structures, token-label mismatch, and requirement for external knowledge or manual effort. To address these issues, we propose Robust Prompt-based Data Augmentation (RoPDA) for low-resource NER. Based on pre-trained language models (PLMs) with continuous prompt, RoPDA performs entity augmentation and context augmentation through five fundamental augmentation operations to generate label-flipping and label-preserving examples. To optimize the utilization of the augmented samples, we present two techniques: self-consistency filtering and mixup. The former effectively eliminates low-quality samples with a bidirectional mask, while the latter prevents performance degradation arising from the direct utilization of labelflipping samples. Extensive experiments on three popular benchmarks from different domains demonstrate that RoPDA significantly improves upon strong baselines, and also outperforms state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning methods when unlabeled data is included.

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