
Stem tip cuttings of Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart., E. tenuis Nees & Mart., Lantana camara L. `Dallas Red,' and L. montevidensis Briq. `Alba' were rooted for 6 weeks in 57-mm-diameter (150 ml) square pots. Before rooting, interior surfaces of half of the pots were treated with 100 g Cu(OH)2/liter, while remaining pots were left untreated. Elongation of adventitious roots stopped when root tips came in contact with a Cu(OH)2-treated surface. Cupric hydroxide treatment reduced total root length and the length of the longest root for all four species, but did not influence root, shoot, or total plant weight. One month after transplanting to 150-mm-diameter (1.2 liter) hanging baskets, plants moved from Cu(OH)2-treated pots had more flowers than those transplanted from nontreated pots. Applying Cu(OH)2 to interior surfaces of pots used for propagation prevented root deformation, reduced root length, and increased flowering following transplanting.

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