
Vocational congregational ministry presents several unique challenges that test a minister’s fortitude and commitment. A considerable number of novice ministers who are gifted for the work and sense a calling from God embrace their first congregational positions with enthusiasm, but leave the ministry after only a few years. This raises an important question: What personal or communal practices and processes help support vocational ministry over a lifetime? This article addresses this question by considering specific challenges faced by congregational ministers and analyzing the stories of ministers who are flourishing in ministry over time. These stories are drawn from interviews with ten Texas Baptist ministers who have served in congregations for at least twenty years. The ministers spoke about personal and communal spiritual practices, lifestyle habits, vocational crises, the role of calling, relational dynamics, and characteristics of congregations. The author concludes that developing healthy relationships with God, family and friends, congregational members, and one’s own self is an essential foundation for thriving in congregational ministry over the long haul.

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