
In the regulation of social life and the acquisition of values, which is one of the requirements of being an individual, the education that starts in the family should be continued in schools. For this purpose, ten values were included as root values in the Geography Course Curriculum, which was updated in 2018 as in all curricula. This research, was conducted by document analysis, one of the qualitative research approaches. A total of seven geography textbooks at the secondary education level, which were approved as textbooks by the Ministry of National Education and which were open to access via the Education Information Network (EBA), were examined and subjected to descriptive analysis. In order to increase the reliability of the research, direct quotations were made from the points where the root values were mentioned in the textbook. As a result of the research, it was seen that root values were emphasised in a total of 274 points in geography textbooks. While the grade level in which the root values were most frequently mentioned was 10th grade, the most repeated root values were responsibility and patriotism. The least emphasised root values in the textbooks were honesty, justice and patience. The unit with the highest number of root values is natural systems. In the light of the research results, it is recommended to increase the number of outcomes associated with root values in the curriculum and to give more priority to root values in the review and acceptance processes of textbooks.

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