
Evaluation of tree seedling quality is necessary for improving technology for forest nursery production and seedling handling. Nutrient status can be measured to determine seedling quality, but it can be affected by seedling handling techniques. In this study effects of root preparation technique and storage regime on content of macro nutrients (N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg) in fine roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) plants were investigated. The root preparation techniques were: (a) rinse in tap or (b) deionised water, and (c) dry preparation. These techniques were tested on seedlings subjected to four storage regimes: (1) no storage, (2) deep freezing below −20°C, and long-term (3) cold (+1 to +3°C) and (4) frozen (−3 to −4°C) storage. From the results it was concluded that the nutrient status in needles is not sufficient to describe the whole plant nutrient status in stored dormant plants, fine roots should also be included. The results also showed that deep freezing of fine roots before nutrient analyses should be avoided. Losses of K, P, S, and Mg were substantial with this method. Deionised water or dry preparation is preferred since tap water contains substantial amounts of ions that may affect the analyses.

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