
Root development, water use and water use efflclency of 3 sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L,) Moench] varieties, vlz. CSV 13 CSV 15 and Varsha , ralsed in alleys formed by different vegetative barriers, viz. Sesbanla sesban, Leucaena leucocephala, Cajanus cajan, Vetiverla zlzanoldes and Cenchrus ciliarls, and unbarrlered (control) were studied during the rainy seasons of 1995 and 1996 at Kanpur on Ilght textured alluvial soil. Best root development of sorghum was observed when ralsed In alleys of Sesbanla, followed by Leucaena, whlle the poorest root development in alleys of Cenchrus clllarls. Among the sorghum varieties Varsha resulted in better root development in terms of depth, breadth, number and weight than CSV 13 and CSV 15 . Better root development of sorghum Varsha ralsed In alleys of Sesbanla resulted In higher water use and water use efficiency and yleld attributes llke 1,000 graln weight, gralnslpanlcle, grain and fodder ylelde where Vanha excelled CSV 13 and CSV 16 . Total water use of sorghum under Sesbanla was 388,6 mm whlch was 9,s mm higher than the control (unbarrlered) crop, The water use efflclency of sorghum in assoclatlon wlth Sesbanla was 6.3 kglha mm as compared wlth 4,1 kglha mm unbarrlered (control),

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