
Season of harvest has often been suggested as a driver for the erratic success of aspen ( Populus tremuloides) sucker regeneration, partially due to root carbohydrate reserves and soil conditions at the time of harvest. A field experiment in western Manitoba, Canada, assessed root suckering and root carbohydrates of aspen in response to season of harvest and machine traffic. Six sites (120 m × 120 m) were selected within two large mature aspen stands slated for summer harvest. Plots (50 m × 50 m) were hand-felled (without machine traffic) in mid-summer, late summer, winter, and one plot was left uncut as a control. Season of cut with no traffic had no effect on sucker density, height or leaf dry mass per sucker. During the dormant season, root starch reserves were highest in the winter cut plots, however, just prior to suckering, this difference in carbohydrate reserves among the three seasons of harvest disappeared and by the end of the first growing season root reserves in all three seasons of cut had recovered to near control levels. Adjacent plots that were conventionally harvested in the summer and impacted by logging traffic had similar sucker densities but had 19% less height growth of suckers and 29% less leaf dry mass per sucker compared to suckers in plots harvested at the same time without traffic. After one growing season, root carbohydrate levels were similar whether or not machine traffic was used; however, the reduction in leaf dry mass in plots with machine traffic could have negative implications for carbohydrate accumulation and growth. The study suggests that the phenological state of the mature aspen plays a very small role in aspen regeneration and that harvesting practices and site conditions are likely the main drivers of aspen regeneration success.

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