
Los murciélagos utilizan una variedad de refugios, con funciones diferentes e importantes en la ecología del grupo. El conocimiento de estos refugios es importante en su gestión y conservación. Este estudio se realizó en tres localidades de Espíritu Santo, sudeste de Brasil: (1) Colina de Vargas (una zona protegida), (2) un paisaje rural, y (3) un paisaje urbano. En estas tres áreas se llevó a cabo la búsqueda activa de refugiospara instalar entre una y cuatro redes de niebla (dependiendo del tamaño del refugio) cerca de la entrada principal del refugio. Las redes se mantuvieron activas 3-6 horas después del atardecer. Se encontró un total de 12 refugios, cuatro en cada área, incluyendo: huecos de árboles, follaje, cuevas, grietas de las rocas, edificios, casas abandonadas, puentes y tuberías de aguas pluviales. Este es el primer registro de refugio natural de Lonchorhina aurita.


  • RESUMEN Los murciélagos utilizan una variedad de refugios, con funciones diferentes e importantes en la ecología del grupo

  • At the Área de Relevante Interesse Ecológico Morro da Vargem we found three types of roosts: (1) a cave where we captured 25 individuals of Carollia perspicillata (Fig. 2), eight individuals of Anoura caudifer, two individuals of Lonchorhina aurita and one individual each of Diphylla ecaudata, Tonatia bidens and Trachops cirrhosus; (2) two rain pipes (1,5m diameter), in one we captured L. aurita (27 individuals), T. cirrhosus (7 individuals) and Desmodus rotundus (2 individuals) and in the other we observed 20 individuals of D. rotundus; and

  • In the rural landscape in the municipality of Alfredo Chaves we found four kinds of roosts: (1) a cave (20°39’49.00”S and 40°46’31.00”W) located in an area of pasturelands and banana plantations, and where we observed 20 individuals of C. perspicillata; (2) a bridge over the Joeba river in the road ES 146 (20°39’28,00”S and 40°44’49,00”W), where we observed separate colonies of C. perspicillata and Rhynchonycteris naso and we captured one individual of each species (Fig. 2); (3) a hollow in a Ficus sp. tree located in a pastureland (20°39’26.00”S and 40°45’39,00”W), where we observed at least eight individuals Phyllostomus hastatus roosting in the upper portion of the cavity and some Molossus rufus, roosting below (31 individuals were captured)

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RESUMEN Los murciélagos utilizan una variedad de refugios, con funciones diferentes e importantes en la ecología del grupo. Bats use a wide array of roosts, of both natural and human origin (Kunz & Lumsden 2003). Day roosts are generally used for protection against predators and weather, for resting, and for social interactions (Keeley & Tuttle 1999, Kunz 1982). The goal of this study was to report data on roost use by bats, in three localities of state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. A total of 63 species of bats are recorded in the state of Espírito Santo (Mendes et al 2010). The state’s bat fauna is far from being well-known, because Espírito Santo is the least sampled state in southeastern Brazil (Bergallo et al 2003). There are only two studies on bat roost ecology in the state, focusing on Vampyressa pusilla and Rhinophylla pumilio (Zortéa 1995, Zortéa & Brito 2000)

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