
The Batak Toba Traditional House, one of the main attractions of Samosir Island, a volcanic island in the center of Lake Toba, is an example of a well-preserved cultural heritage. However, the Batak Toba Traditional House has undergone a transformation in recent decades, influenced by technological advances, material availability, and modernization. The authors aim to discover the roof transformation of structure and construction of Batak Toba Traditional Houses in Samosir Island’s four villages, namely Huta Siallagan, Lumban Sigiro, Lumban Parmonangan, and Sosor Batu. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach, where the authors will produce descriptive information about the problems studied in written and oral form. The authors will observe and analyze the transformation of roof construction and structural components on Batak Toba Traditional Houses on Samosir Island. The result of this study is that there are slight transformations in the roof structure and construction system on Batak Toba Traditional House on Samosir Island. First, there is a transformation in the roof materials. Second, a transformation in the structural design. Third, the construction phases of the traditional houses. Last, a transformation in the roof structural joint systems.

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