
Ronald L. Ives Southwest Bibliography Bill Broyles (bio) This list encompasses selected Ives's Southwest publications and a few others cited in the text. The full bibliography and most of the articles are available at the Arizona Historical Society in Tucson. The numbers at left are his own, showing the sequence in which they were published and the folder he fled it in. Missing numbers indicate it was on a diverse topic such as electronics, glaciers, photography, or folk tales. By his count he had 646 technical publications and drafts and 232 miscellaneous publications (M-series), as he called them. The format is the one he used. His first technical article was "Determination of the Relative Volumes of Two Combining Streams from Their Temperatures" in Science (1932, 76: 323), done at age 23. "The Southwest" is roughly used to include Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, southern California, and northwestern Mexico. And like father, like son: An acquaintance of Ronald's father, J. E. Spiegelthal, noted that when Herbert E. Ives placed his own papers in the Smithsonian, he not only file-carded "everything he ever wrote" but he also "had a reprint of everything he had published" (Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, Ives Collection, MS-0983, box 24, Correspondence N-U, 1936–1981). [End Page 425] 3. Excursionando en los Pinacates, La Montana (Mexico, D.F.), April, 1934, 11, 12, et seq. 6. Recent Volcanism in Northwestern Mexico, Pan-American Geologist, 63, 1934, 335–338. 10. Geologic Verification of a Papago Legend, Masterkey (Los Angeles), 9, 1935, 160–161. 11. Infra-Red Photography for the Amateur, Camera, 51, 1935, 316– 320. 13. The Bolas de Plata Discovery of 1736, Rocks and Minerals, 10, 1935, 183–184. 15. Melchior Díaz, The Forgotten Explorer, Hispanic-American Hist. Rev., 16, 1936, 86–90. 16. A Trinchera near Quitovaquita, Sonora, Amer. Anthropologist, 38, 1936, 86–89. 17. Some Papago Migrations in the Sonoyta Valley, Masterkey, 10, 1936, 161–167. 18. The Radium Mining Area of Southwestern Colorado, Rocks and Minerals, 11, 1936, 223–234. 19. Desert Floods in the Sonoyta Valley, Amer. Jour. Science, 32, 1936, 349–360. 20. Mukuntuweap Canyon, Trail and Timberline, #221, 1937, 34–36. 35. Sedelmayr's Relacion of 1746, Bur. Amer. Ethnology, Bull. 123, 1939, 99–117. 44. Report of the Bishop of Durango on Conditions in Northwestern Mexico in 1745, Hispanic-American Historical Review, 19, 1939, 314–317. 45. Infra-red Photography as an Aid in Ecological Surveys, Ecology, 20, 1939, 433–439. 48. The Origin of Some Polished Stone Artifacts, Amer. Antiquity, 6, 1940, 70–73. 61. The Mitre Peak Area, Trans-Pecos Texas, Amer. Journal Science, 239, 1941, 339–353. 62. Designations of Locations on Maps and Photographs, Science, 93, 1941, 523. 65. The Origin of the Sonoyta Townsite, Sonora, Mexico, Amer. Antiquity, 7, 1941, 20–28. 67. The Monster of Quitovac, Masterkey, 15, 1941, 195–199. 71. The Copper Boulderwhip, Rocks and Minerals, 16, 1941, 455–458. 73. The Discovery of Pinacate Volcano, Sci. Mo., 54, 1942, 230–238. 93. Sunset Shadow Bands, Jour. Opt. Soc. Amer., 35, 1945, 736–738. [End Page 426] 122. Desert Ripples, Amer. Jour. Sci., 244, 1946, 492–501. 123. Ancient Trails in the Dugway Area, Utah, Masterkey, 20, 1946, 113–124. 129. Manje's Description of Casa Grande, Masterkey, 20, 1946, 148–151. 136. Glaciation in the Desert Ranges, Utah, Jour. Geol., 54, 1946, 335. 146. The Rediscovery of Cup Butte, Sci. Mo., 64, 1947, 33–41. 150. Dugway Tales, Western Folklore, 6 (1), 1947, 53–58. 152. Two Nahuatlan Terms from Northwestern Sonora, Int. Jour. Amer. Ling., 13, 1947, 119. 156. Behavior of Dust Devils, Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 28, 1947, 168–175. 159. Reconnaissance of the Zion Hinterland, Geog. Rev., 27, 1947, 618–638. 166. Plunge Pools, Potholes, and Related Structures, Rocks and Minerals, 23, 1948, 3–10. 168. The Skull Valley Area, Utah, Rocks and Minerals, 23, 1948, 195–204. 169. The Camelback Caves, Rocks and Minerals, 23, 1948, 291–299. 170. Sonoran Mission Languages in 1730, Masterkey, 22, 1948, 93–96. 171. Latitude Determination without a Sextant, School Sci. and Math., 48, 1948, 441–445. 172. The Geodes of Oputo, Rocks and Minerals, 23...

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